domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009 a las 11:08 p. m..

I'm not ashamed. I've known love. I've known rejection. I'm not afraid to declare my feelings. Take trust, for instance, or friendship. These are the important things in life. These are the things that matter, that help you on your way. If you can't trust your friends, well, what then? ..What then?
Oh, yes. I believe in friends. I believe we need them. But, if one day you find that you just can't trust them any more, well, what then? ..What then?
(simplemente porque me gustó y porque no había escrito nada en mayo. además, qué mejor que ver una película wena wena y encontrar una frase tan re-wena? merece difusión digo shó)
escupido por Paula Vil0 intentos de opinión
shallow grave

I'm not ashamed. I've known love. I've known rejection. I'm not afraid to declare my feelings. Take trust, for instance, or friendship. These are the important things in life. These are the things that matter, that help you on your way. If you can't trust your friends, well, what then? ..What then?
Oh, yes. I believe in friends. I believe we need them. But, if one day you find that you just can't trust them any more, well, what then? ..What then?
(simplemente porque me gustó y porque no había escrito nada en mayo. además, qué mejor que ver una película wena wena y encontrar una frase tan re-wena? merece difusión digo shó)
Etiquetas: amigos, película, shallow grave

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